Your donation is vital to the success of this ministry. We operate solely on donations from individuals and parishes in the area that want to support youth ministry and give every teenager an opportunity to form strong Christian friendships, while learning about their faith and having a whole lot of fun.
Your monetary donations will be used to cover all cost related to planning, prepping and implementing meaningful living and learning faith events and hangout events for teens in grades 8-12. These costs include, but are not limited to, rental fees, food, curriculum, supplies, and promotional materials.
A percentage of each donation will be used to cover administrative costs of running One Voice, only after the full cost to cover all events has been satisfied. Any additional funds will be used to reduce the cost of larger ventures for the teens, such as attending a Steubenville Conference or Catholic Heart Workcamp.
If you have further questions or would like to discuss donating in more detail, please feel free to contact us!